


Objectives-  Students will be able to identify the vocabulary with up to 80% accuracy


We will quickly review for a vocabulary quiz by playing grudgeball and then take a vocabulary quiz.  


Tuesday- Wednesday


Objectives-  The students will be given information answering the question, “What is Horticulture?”


We will go over the resources covering What is Horticulture giving students more information on how to define this class.  They will be asked to take notes over this information by creating a chart that defines each of the types of horticulture and places them into the groups they belong.  




Objectives- Students will identify each of the types of Horticulture


I will put up definitions of the types of horticulture around the room.  The students will be given 11 sticky notes that they will write the name of each type of horticulture on.  When they are told to stand up students will go around the room placing their sticky note on the type horticulture they believe it is.  




Objectives-Students will be given information on their research project.


This day will be used to explain their first research project.  Each student will be given a type of horticulture to research where they will create a document similar to a poster describing this.  They will be given a rubric to go off of.


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